This is a super easy and super fun way for your family to get active, while having fun! And, you get to Play It Forward, but helping friends and neighbors do the exact same thing.
Tag is a classic game, that everyone in the family can have a blast with, all while moving your bodies and spending quality time together.
There are so many variations of tag…and Play.Fit.Fun has a bunch for you and your family.
To Participate in Tag! You’re It:
- Simply fill out the form below to request a Tag! YOU’RE IT! sign, and special cards that come with it, listing easy-to-play Tag Games.
- Once you have your TAG! YOU’RE IT! sign & laminated game cards, secretly plant the sign in a visible spot in a friend or neighbor’s yard.
- The goal is to have them walk outside to find the sign, read the attached Tag Instruction Cards, and play!
- The cover instruction card will instruct each family to “Play It Forward” and repeat what you did, by secretly planting the sign and cards in another friend/neighbor’s yard.
- Our Hope: That families take some time together, and play, engage, move their bodies a little and have a blast together.
- TAG! YOU’RE IT! is a 100% FREE