Play.Fit.Fun produces fun 5th grade kids action events for local school’s 5th grade celebrations!
Most often, it is a 90-minute or 2-hour kids action event…but on occasion they can be planned for 1-hour…or even longer, like being a part of a longer 5th grade celebration event.
These fun events are like the best of P.E. Crashing Into Field Day…Then Bumping Into Team Building!
Tons of fun, active play, interaction and social engagement to finish off their 5th grade year in a huge way!

- Move Kids Physically…Mentally…Socially
- Create a FUN environment where kids can get active and build healthy life habits.
- We want kids playing for life! It is our goal to help kids develop a life-long love of active play.
- Engage other kids socially, and be comfortable in social settings.
- Develop & enhance positive attitude, self confidence and creativity.
- Allow kids to play actively in a safe & fun setting, while giving them plenty of free time to play games using their own games, creativity, and their own rules. This is very powerful!
- Family! Play.Fit.Fun Kids belong to the PFF Family! From family, we get and practice care, patience, kindness and thoughtfulness. PFF campers make tons of friends both with other campers and our amazing high school assistant coaches!